try this: christina aguilera (bionic) review

First it was pure Total Request Live bubblegum. Then, dirty pop. Then back to the roaring twenties. Now, Christina Aguilera is hoping that the futuristic sound of her newest album, Bionic, will bring her a comeback.

When it comes to Aguilera's voice and versatility, I’ve always been impressed with her. Bionic is her first studio album in 4 years, and she has been working on it for quite a while, with The Neptunes, Sia, Le Tigre, M.I.A., and Ladytron to help deliver an eclectic sound. When I heard some sample tracks, I felt like when I listened to *NSYNC’s “Dirty Pop” for the first time back in the day—-kind of confused, but still interested. After a few listens, I got used to it. The album isn’t as cohesive as Stripped, but as usual, Aguilera is trying to reinvent herself. And with constant comparisons to reigning pop queen Lady Gaga, she’s got to do something to stand out.

The title track “Bionic” has some not-so inventive lyrics (“Bionic/So damn bionic/Hit you like a rocket”) but it is addicting. It kind of sounds like a mix between M.I.A. and Gwen Stefani, but more electric. I love the spelling out of “X-T-I-N-A.” “Not Myself Tonight” is the first single, and it’s a radio-friendly, Neptunes-sounding hit. The chorus especially gets pretty ridiculous, and there’s gonna be some great remixes of this one. “Woohoo” is the second single, and it’s nothing too special. Featuring Nicki Minaj, it gets super repetitive, and the rapper almost outshines Aguilera. “Elastic Love” is a hot mess, and Aguilera’s vocals are way underplayed. It sounds like some random filler track off Britney’s Blackout. People seem to love it though, so maybe it's just me. “Desnudate” is kind of awesome; it sounds like she’s having fun on this one. It’s a hard hitting bass line with a Spanish/reggaeton influence, and the only thing the chorus says is “Get naked for me.” Wow.

Glam” is totally Madonna-ed out. Aguilera herself has compared this song to “Vogue.” I dunno. There’s too many “snap” breaks for me, and it’s a little one-dimensional. “Prima Donna” gets a little more pop, and it’s a great track. Her vocals are a beast, and the familiar sound of Lil Jon takes it to a club level.

"Sex For Breakfast" is the beginning of the slower part of the album. It gets a little R&B. It's actually a very sweet song, and her voice sounds amazing. The midtempo mood continues into the piano-driven "Lift Me Up," and she kills it. One of the best tracks on the album for sure. "All I Need" is also beautiful. Co-written by Sia, an Australian jazz-influenced singer, it has winding melodies and bright instruments to complement the lyrics dedicated to Aguilera's son. The next two tracks are also written with Sia, and Aguilera's sweet-sounding voice continues through the honest "I Am" and the sad "You Lost Me." The tracks are bluesy, orchestral and soft, continually showcasing Aguilera's vocals. I'm thinking I should check out what else Sia is involved with, because I love the sound she's created for these songs.

Smash cut to: "I Hate Boys," a cute, quick anthem that throws us back into hard-hitting pop. The female empowerment continues with "My Girls," which doesn't have much going for it. "I'm not cocky/I just love myself, bitch" is how "Vanity" begins, and it comes out of nowhere with a rad electric beat. The lyrics are pretty funny. She belts out one last run, and ends the album reminding everybody "Let us not forget/Who owns the throne."

...But does she? The slower songs on Bionic are what essentially sustains the album. They are unfortunately hidden near the end. Sure, the fast-paced, FutureSex/LoveSound-ing tracks are entertaining and danceable, but it's not her sweet spot. I feel like she should have ended the 19-track album at "You Lost Me." Aguilera’s summer tour with Leona Lewis has already been postponed until 2011—not a good sign. She’s got to compete with the Rihanna/Ke$ha/Gaga fan base. With Aguilera’s long breaks in between albums, plus her mostly staying out of the media (fyi Xtina, even bad press is still press), it has not put her in the best place. What she does have is an unmistakable singing talent and a decade-long career to back her up. I'm not sure if she owns any thrones, but all in all, Bionic is fun, satisfying, and worth a listen.

6 comments :: try this: christina aguilera (bionic) review

  1. Interesting review; whereas I preferred the uptempo tracks, I see that you are quite taken with the slower ones. They really are gorgeous tracks when it comes down to the arrangements, and I think it will just take more acute listening on my end to really appreciate them.

  2. This album is 2 halfs and I can tell you that the back end is so much better then the front. I don't know why she didn't just stick with the Blues feel for the entire album. She doesn't have a good voice for the Electric Pop songs, just too powerful of a singer. I think the last 3 joints are more like her in the sense of pop. She is that bubble-gum pop and needs to stick to that with that great voice for the slower tracks. I just feel like the front of the album is just a trend thing, it's popular at the moment rip off Gaga at the moment like Kesha (she's horrible) has/tried. This album is good but only for the 5 slow songs. It's not tht other songs aren't any good but they aren't that good.

  3. You hit the album on the nose! Her ballads are where its at. Christina needs to give us a R&B ballad type album. Leave the dance stuff to Britney & Gaga and USE THAT VOICE girl!

  4. well i was totally the opposite...i absolutely love every track on the album, but the uptempo tracks like "Vanity" "Prima Donna" "Desudate" were my fav's hands down....while "you lost me" is my number one, i thought that the slower songs were missing something, they just to me aren't as strong as the uptmepo ones!!!

  5. " I'm not sure if she owns any thrones, but all in all, Bionic is fun, satisfying, and worth a listen."

    um, I'm no big Christina follower or anything, I'm more rock and rap, but I know enough about the pop Diva's histories and talent to not even question whether she owns it. She the youngest artist, and only artist under 30 on Rolling stones 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. Because her vocal range is absolutely ridiculous! Not Beyonce, Gaga, Perry, or any of these girls today can compete with that girls vocal range, and they'll be the first to tell you so. When I hear one of them belt out one of those glass breaking, early Mariah Carey Notes, as well as secure a decade long successful career, then we'll start talking about whether she should passed down her Diva crown. And lets get real here and not create something that doesn't exist for drama sake. Christina's doesn't have to compete with any of these new Diva's (Gaga, Kesha, perry) she's on a different level than them. She's at place where she doesn't have to put out an album, her career has been solid, she's doing it simply for the fun of it and the love it.

  6. I very much agree with Lillian! Right on, Girl. Christina's vocals are way above anything that Gage, Britney, or Kesha can do. Her vocals are just as amazing in concert, where she does not lipsynch. I love Christina. Even though I like Lady Gaga, I hate it when the press compares the two. There is no similarity between them if you ask me. Lady Gaga is an "entertainer" and Christina Aguilera is a "singer." Different types of art.....

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